Sonntag, 22. August 2021

What if...: Goku had been turned back into an adult in "Dragon Ball GT"

A fanart from GT Goku
as an adult with an ape tail
For the year 2022, the upcoming anime movie Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero has been announced a month ago and hereof, certain charachter designs has been revealed. For instance, character designs showing that Pan will be in preschool age which indicates a time skip. Therefore, Goten and Trunks ought to having been aged as well but certaintly, more intels are gonna be revealed in the near future.

Anyways, I'm gonna once more elaborate the controversal anime Dragon Ball GT but not the question if GT is canon or not. Rather, another justified question:
Would it have made any difference if Goku stucking in a childish body had turned back into an adult as the story was progressing? If yes, to which extent?
Of course, elements of Dragon Ball Super (since Super is canon) have influences of this GT related "What if..." scenario anyway but it would only go beyond the scope if I went into them explicitly as well.

In the following, without intending to be exhaustive, I'm gonna elaborate when at the latest Goku should have turned back into an adult; the more intensive inclusion of Goten and Trunks in the plot (including the fusion to Gotenkts) and how GT should have ended.
Well, let's go:

Bebi having usurped Vegeta's body
vs. Super Saiyan 4 Goku
1) At the latest from the fight against the Tuffle Bebi, Goku would've done his utmost to turn entirely into an adult again without using the Dragon Balls: A special training whereby he maintain his adult body after turning into a Super Saiyan 4 while turning back step by step - to the extent that when he turns into a Super Saiyan 3, he succeeds maintaining his adult body and repeating this when he turns into a Super Saiyan 2 and so on.
But before he turned back into Super Saiyan 2, he'd be interrupted due to Super 17's orrucence - but without priorly occuring hell invasion because it was really unnecessary. Likewise, the fight against Frieza and Cell taking place in the wake of this was unnecessary as well.

Goten and Trunks fusing
to Gotenks (of course, the lower
pic is a fanart)
2) By no later than the fight against Super 17, Goten and Trunks would've fuse to Gotenks. Gotenks would've damaged Super 17 to the extent that he could detach one of the latter's arms - as tribute to Piccolo who detached one of Dr. Gero's (aka Android 20's) arms in Dragon Ball Z
As the fight progressed, he'd also caused a great amount of damage to him and moreover, making it to the way that he diverted Super 17's beam attacks to Goku, so latter would use this energy to the extent that he can - while transforming back - maintain his adult body to the normal Super Saiyan.

Super 17 vs. Super Saiyan 3 Goku
(Of course, the right pic is a fanart as well)
However, any trials to maintain it while being in base form would be interrupted but he'd still be the one to drill through Super 17 and eliminate him with a Kamehameha - but with the difference that he transforms into Super Saiyan 3 beforehand - while Gotenks is the one who shoots on Super 17 several time so the latter absorbs the attack but he makes himself vulnerable while doing so.

3) Between the Super 17 arc and the Shadow Dragon arc, Goku would've trained with his both sons in order to expedite the entire recovery of his adult body to the extent that he can maintain it while turning back step by step to his base form.

GT Adult Goku (with exception of
the 4th pic, all of them are fanarts)
4) Concerning the fight against the Shadow Dragons, Gotenks and Gohan would've eliminated five of them on their on but at the end of the day, Gogeta had indeed appeared but with the difference that the fusion would've been initiated as follows:
Admittely, Vegeta had firstly transformed into a Super Saiyan 4 by the Blutz Waves as well but during this process, on the one hand, he'd elimitad a further Shadow Dragon as well and on the other hand, Goku would've furtherly continued his training to the extent that he get his adult body back even in his base form. Subsequently, he would've hit the trail to the battlefield and fought alongside Vegeta. In order to initiate the fusion to Gogeta, they'd have respectively transformed step by step through the Super Saiyan transformations until Super Saiyan 4 and then performed said fusion - inspired by the fight Omegamon vs. Alphamon in the movie Digimon Adventure tri. - Chapter 1. Additionally, Gogeta would have lasted for 30 minutes and moreover, entirely emilinated Omega Shenron.
Some futher major differences might been implemented: There ain't any fatalities among the civilians; the earthly Dragon Balls would've been vanished without Goku joining Shenron and moreover, Gohan, Goten, Chichi and Pan were so excited about Goku finally archieved get his adult body back, like: "Yeah! He's his old self again! This calls for celebration!". But instead of a banquet in the actual sense, big cake would've been provided.

Additionally, the long-awaited fight between Goku and Vegeta would take blacke wherein they go all-in but more inspired by the fight between Naruto and Sasuke. Besides, the fight might be initiated in the way that Goku and Vegeta respectively transform to Super Saiyan 4 so that the former FINALLY transforms as an adult to Super Saiyan 4
(And yes, I know, in the Non-Canon-Anime Super Dragon Ball Heroes being based on the eponymous cardass game, Xeno Goku transforms into Super Saiyan 4 but this doesn't count precisely cuz it's only a promotional anime and thus, non-canon).

A fanart of how Goku had
looked like in DBGT,
if he turned entirely
back into an adult again
Concluding from all these aspects mentioned and elaborated, it'd have indeed made an enormous difference if Goku had turned back into an adult in Dragon Ball GT. This "What if" scenario might be realized either as basis for an anime reboot, not as TV series but as movie trilogy, or in the form of a "What if" scenario in a potential remake from the game Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 (or how is it called in the Japanese version: Dragon Ball Z: Sparking! METEOR).

Now, I'd be interested whaddaya think about it: 
Do you have additional ideas to which extent it'd have a difference if Goku turned back into an adult as the GT plot was progressing? Feel free to write it in the comment section below.

PPS: Here you can go to my other Dragon Ball franchise-related articles:

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